Sunday 27 February 2011

What a lovely, busy week!

Jonathan was out of town on a show this week, so I promised the girls that if they finished their school work for the week by Wednesday that we could go to the aquarium on Thursday.  We always enjoy a trip to the aquarium, and see something different and beautiful every time we're there.
We watched some new "rocks" being made.
I had Tatiana take a couple of pictures of me nursing Zachariah on the patio outside the Cafe Maya to remind myself that I can nurse in public without it being a big hairy deal.  I'm not sure why I suddenly have anxiety about this with my third child.  I never worried about it before.
Tatiana enjoyed wearing her brother in the ERGO for most of the day.  He even fell asleep and took a bit of a nap while she had him.
We had the place almost entirely to ourselves.  Going in the afternoon, in the middle of the week is the best, because most of the time field trip groups come in the morning, and it's not particularly crowded.  There was actually a homeschool co-op group there.  It's kind of fun to see other groups out and about during the week.  :)
Once Zachariah woke up from his nap, Celestia took over the babywearing with our Maya Wrap.  She had been itching to get her hands on her baby brother all day! You can see that he was still groggy from his nap!  hehe!
When we came home, I knocked out another diaper for Zachariah.  I'm not sure if I ever mentioned it here, but my guys at work dubbed the baby "Megatron" long before we knew that he was a boy.  My mother found this awesome Transformers fabric for me to make diapers out of!  :)
Last, but certainly not least, we bought patio furniture!!!  We've talked about buying a couple of comfy chairs and a little table for us to have coffee on our back patio forever, and just haven't ever done it.  We really got the itch to sit outside when I came home from the hospital with Zachariah, but couldn't find outdoor furniture anywhere!  Jonathan and I enjoyed playing footsie and drinking some coffee this morning.  I foresee many mornings sitting on the patio nursing Zachariah and enjoying my morning coffee!  <3


crispymama said...

Cute pics!! Especially love the ones of the girls BWing:)

JMe said...

I am having a bad day. These pictures made it much brighter