Remember how I said that Jonathan had to go to Florida during our anniversary? We decided to take an entire day off of work to make up for it, and have a date! I knew we were going to go to Caroling at the Adolphus, as I told Jonathan that I always wanted to, but never had. Being a choir nerd myself, I always enjoy a good choral performance, and the Adolphus serves cookies and cider to munch on during the concert! I really must find a good local group to sing with again! (Any suggestions anyone?) We knocked around downtown Dallas for a while, saying hello to old friends from our days of working there, and Jonathan had a couple of business matters he had to take care of. After that, off to the Gaylord Texan Hotel, where I knew we were going, but had no clue why. When we arrived, there were signs posted everywhere for something called "Ice", but I still couldn't imagine what that might be. We trooped through the entire hotel, which was decorated beautifully (think I'll bring the girls back and take some pictures of them.) and on to the attached convention centre, where I finally got a clue what we were doing. Ice is the HUGEST ice sculpture exhibit ever! There were animals galore, a skating pond with ice sculpture people skating on it, a gigantic Santa, a "gingerbread" house, 10 foot tall Christmas ornaments, an ice slide (that was oh-so fun!) an ice cathedral complete with trumpeting angel, and a larger-than-life-sized nativity scene! I wish I could give you more pictures of everything, but blogger will only let me post so many! Jonathan promised that he would "make it up" for being gone on the actual day, and he certainly did! I think he might just like to remind me what a big kid I actually am! ;)
1 comment:
wow good job Jonathan.I have to show this to Scott and see if he gets the idea!
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