Saturday 4 October 2008

My how we've grown!

Every year, we purchase a family membership to a local attraction. This year, it was the Fort Worth Zoo. You can see by the pictures how much the girls have grown! The ones with Tatiana in red, and Celestia in pink were taken in September of 2007, and the ones with Tatiana in purple, and Celestia in orange were taken in September 2008. I can't believe how much these beautiful little ladies have grown in only one year! I am sure Celestia is going to pass me up any day now, as she is already taller than me in heels! The girls loved going to the zoo throughout the year. We attended a special event just for homeschooling families last October, that included a private class of certain animals. They have completed research projects about various animals of their choice this year, and are sorry to see our membership end. We are planning on going to the Dallas World Aquarium in the coming year, and we'll tell you more about that in future posts!

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