Monday 12 April 2010

14 weeks

*** Update ***  Jonathan called me last night and said "I'm sorry you don't like the picture.  I like it."  I have the best hubby ever!  :)

Today officially begins my second trimester.  Here is the first belly shot I've taken.  It's amazing how much quicker you look pregnant with subsequent babies!  In 14 weeks, I've gained a total of 6 pounds, but it looks like so much MORE!  To be quite honest, I'm not awfully fond of the picture, but I had the girls take a few this morning before church, and this one is the best.  I'll try to plan better next week!  As you can see, All the grass in our backyard has died.  We tried seeding it last year, but it didn't take.  Jonathan put out more seed last week, so hopefully it will take this time.  I think a large part of the problem is that half the yard is completely shaded in the summer, and it just can't get enough sun to grow.  ANYWAY...  I know you didn't come here to read about our grass woes.  I have another doctor appointment on Wednesday.  I shouldn't really have much exciting information to tell you, because it will just be a "tummy check" to hear the baby's heart, but we will also get an official date for the sonogram where we'll be able to find out the sex of the baby.  I can hardly wait!  :)


JMe said...

14 weeks!!!! That is exciting!!! I can not wait to hear if you are having a boy or girl (cause of the shopping ofcourse haha)

Lessley said...

You look adorable! Listen to yo man, girl!

Our grass died, too. Some weeds moved in and took over. We've given up. :/