Friday 15 October 2010

Pictures, pictures, and more pictures!

The title pretty much says it all.  We're just trying to settle into life around here with a baby.  I am trying to remember not to do too much, which Jonathan will tell you that I have a perpetual problem with.  Yesterday, I woke up feeling great, consequently overdid things, and felt like rubbish again by the time I crawled into bed.  Today, I am really trying to sit down and stay down, so I'm going to spend that time looking at all the pictures we've taken since we got home.
We've taken pictures of bath time (love this bath tub, by the way!!!)...

nap time...

Play time...

a fluffy baby bum...

and just general cuteness.

What we haven't managed to get pictures of is the girls holding their brother.  Mr. Zachariah has spent almost all of his time either eating or sleeping, and neither of them have had much of a chance to hold him.  The last couple of mornings, however, he has been fairly alert for about two hours, so I'm hoping they will be able to play with him during that time in the coming days.
There you have it, folks.  We're just hanging out, feeding a baby, sleeping, and taking lots of pictures.  Life is good!  :)

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