I haven't taken too many belly shots this pregnancy, and haven't posted the ones that I have taken! So how about a belly shot overload?
OK, so this one obviously isn't technically a belly shot. :) It was taken at Celestia's band concert on December 15th. I was about 18 weeks pregnant here. |
Taken on January 14th. I'm about 22 weeks here. |
Not technically a belly shot, but too perfect not to share. Love snuggling with my handsome hubby! |
Taken January 15th. I know, I know, only one day later than the last one, so I'm somewhere in the middle of 22 weeks. I wasn't crazy about any of the shots taken the day before, so we tried again. |
Another one that's not technically a belly shot! Celestia and I were all dressed up for her auntie's Valentine's Day wedding! I'm about 27 weeks here. Earlier this week I had to take out my navel piercing because it was starting to get aggravated. |
Enjoying a gorgeous day at the park! 28 weeks, here. Yay third trimester! |
Taken today, at 30 weeks. I don't know if you can tell, but I feel like the baby has dropped some. Maybe I won't be pregnant forever! :) |
And just for fun, me at 30 weeks with Zachariah on the left, and with Corwin on the right. I really do think Corwin looks lower! |